
Showing posts from June, 2009

D : New entrant in Systems Software Arena

In the history of computing C language appeared in 1972 with the humble start for writing portable Operating System kernel (UNIX) C. On the wings of Unix success, C reached far and wide to be used from embedded systems to supercomputers. It went onto succeed in both system software and application software. Soon it was being used for projects huge in size (Lines of code) and complexity started to loom over such projects. Only highly disciplined programmers and process kept large projects going while others started to failed. The symptoms of failure were - missing project timelines, huge delay in bug fixes etc. With appearance of C++ on computing scene (1983) Object Oriented Programming features became available and raised this project size limits to higher levels. C++ added more design and structure to programs and enabled programmers to succeed in big projects with lesser effort. Further increases in complexity of projects have brought virtual machine based platforms like (Java and .N

हिंदी पठन और लेखन : भाग 2

विंडोज XP को हिंदी भाषा में प्रयोग करने के लिए हिन्दी इंटरफेस पैक ( Windows® XP हिंदी Interface Pack ) बहुत ही बढ़िया चीज है। मुख्य बटन पर Start के बजाय प्रारंभ देखने का आनंद ही कुछ और है। इसे पाने के बारे ज्यादा जानकारी यहाँ से प्राप्त की जा सकती है। अगर आपका विंडोज सत्यापित न हो सके (सबके पास तो इंटरनेट नहीं होता) तो यह आजमाएँ: महोदय नें हर तरह से डाउनलोड की जानकारी दे रखी है :)

Reading Source Code : Best tools available

I explored this GUI wrapper for cscope. I am using it to read Linux kernel sources. The tools looks very promising. It has useful features like : 1. all cscope operations 2. Concept of project open/close etc, file/folder selection 3. Call graph and navigation 4. Multi-color syntax highlight It can open a chosen file in any editor - vim, kate etc. See a snapshot below. [Click on the picture to enlarge] Pros: Memory consumption is low and speed is good. Folding- code, comment, function. Bookmarks Its free and open source. Cons: The two features I found missing (compared to SourceInsight(windows only)) are: - rich coloring of syntax (global / local symbols), - zero effort navigation (automatic preview of symbol definition, easy jump to symbol in another window). - catching duplicate symbols definition/declarations etc. Its the best tool on Linux. For windows I find SourceInsight good option(available for 30-day trial). Reading source

The reasons that we are here : Essence of religion

Last year on birthday of Guru Nanak ji, I had a vacation and I decided to spend some time to reading what this saint said. I found this - Naam Japna : Chanting the Holy Name and thus remembering God at all times (ceaseless devotion to God) - Kirat Karō : Earning/making a living honestly, without exploitation or fraud - Vaṇḍ Chakkō : Sharing with others, helping those with less who are in need This is a very short list - easy to remember, simple, profound and very practical. I tried to reduce it further but couldn't - 1. Naam Japna (नाम जपना) is very important because that will fulfill 'the reason that we are here' on Earth. i.e. to see/enter 'Kingdom of heaven' and preparation to enter it. Without this, even a good execution of 2nd and 3rd point may leave a person with void/emptiness inside. 2. Kirat Karo (कीरत करो) is very vital for person and society both. Read about a demonstration by Guruji he