
Showing posts from March, 2009

हिंदी लेखन:संपूर्ण समाधान भाग 1 Hindi Keyboard

[आखिरी बदलाव की तिथि: 31-जनवरी-2010]  I have solved the problem in Devnagari typing (Hindi/Sanskrit/Marathi) on Computer and I thought of sharing my solution with you. There are two steps to get to pleasant typing experience: - Bilingual Hindi keyboard purchase - Windows setup to use Devnagari Unicode fonts and text input method - Linux (ubuntu/fedora) setup to show Hindi interface and support Devanagari typing Bilingual Hindi keyboard: I am currently using a TVS Gold Devnagari b ilingual keyboard . (Click on the image to enlarge it.) You can get it from TVS resellers [#1]. As you can see from image the keys have markings for Devnagari and English on every button. ऊबुन्टु पर हिन्दी उपयोग के लिए For Ubuntu Linux setup for Hindi follow Hardik's blog article (with pictures): विंडोज पर हिन्दी के उपयोग के लिए Windows setup to use Devnagari Unicode fonts and text input method : There ...