हिंदी लेखन:संपूर्ण समाधान भाग 1 Hindi Keyboard
[आखिरी बदलाव की तिथि: 31-जनवरी-2010]
I have solved the problem in Devnagari typing (Hindi/Sanskrit/Marathi) on Computer and I thought of sharing my solution with you.
There are two steps to get to pleasant typing experience:
- Bilingual Hindi keyboard purchase
- Windows setup to use Devnagari Unicode fonts and text input method
- Linux (ubuntu/fedora) setup to show Hindi interface and support Devanagari typing
Bilingual Hindi keyboard:I am currently using a TVS Gold Devnagari bilingual keyboard .
(Click on the image to enlarge it.)
You can get it from TVS resellers [#1].
As you can see from image the keys have markings for Devnagari and English on every button.
ऊबुन्टु पर हिन्दी उपयोग के लिए For Ubuntu Linux setup for Hindi
follow Hardik's blog article (with pictures):
विंडोज पर हिन्दी के उपयोग के लिए
Windows setup to use Devnagari Unicode fonts and text input method:
There are few steps that you have to carry out before you can enjoy the Windows XP support for Hindi/Sanskrit/Marathi.
Note: These steps can be followed with normal keyboard also. You will have to memorize the key mapping though.
I am using Hindi as example for steps. You can configure Sanskrit/Marathi by following the same steps.
Step 1. To enable Hindi reading support.
Please follow these instruction to install fonts for reading Hindi.
This requires Windows XP installation CD and administrator privilege/login for PC.
Start-> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options.
Select 'Languages' tab then select 'Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages'(including Thai).
Press OK.
Windows will prompt for Windows XP installation/setup CD.
Insert the Windows XP setup CD and press OK
After Windows finishes installing fonts it will prompt for reboot.
Remove the CD and Press OK.
After reboot Windows is configured to display Hindi Unicode documents perfectly.
Step 2. To configure Hindi typing using normal US English keyboard. Also called QWERTY keyboard.
Step 1 must be complete for this. You don't require Windows CD or admin privilege for this step.
Start-> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options.
Select Language tab then in Text Services and input Languages press Details.
The panel should look like this (figure).
Select Add.
In next screen 'Add Input Language' select 'Input Language' as 'Hindi'.
For Hindi keyboard layout choose 'Devnagri INSCRIPT'.
Select OK.
You can add more layouts in above manner.
Now the panel should look like attached image.
Select OK.
A Language Bar will appear at right bottom of your screen.

Now you are all set to read and write in Hindi.
Open notepad and then write 'Hindi' or something in English. Now click on Language Bar and select Hindi. Now hit keys u f x o r
you should see हिंदी appearing.
Before you save this file notepad will prompt you that it should be saved as Unicode text.
Select Encoding 'Unicode' instead of 'ANSI'.
Close the document and reopen, you should see Hindi in both languages.
The software setup is complete. Now you can type use Notepad, Microsoft Office 2003, OpenOffice Writer or embed text in HTML pages. With Unicode format for saving the data you can rest assured that your data is in most widely supported format and would look exactly same on all kind of computers whether Windows/Linux on all browsers. Articles in unicode have much better chances to appear in a Google or other search engines.
देवनागरी कुंजीपट्ट खरीदें
Purchasing Devanagari Hindi Bilingual Keyboard
[#1] Obtaining a Hindi keyboard is difficult so I am sharing the details of contacts which I encountered during my purchase.
TVS Champ - INSCRIPT bilingual Hindi keyboard (Rs 300/-) membrane
TVS Gold - INSCRIPT bilingual Hindi keyboard (Rs 1350/-) mechanical-keys
Site: http://www.tvs-e.com/keyboard-landing.asp#
TVS company contact :
Suraj - very helpful guy from TVS who helped me to locate local shops.
Kuldeep Bansal (9810176026)
Micro Peripherals,
301, 3rd floor, Bajaj House,
Nehru Place,
New Delhi 110019.
For online purchase you can try this website:
Writing your emails and blogs in Hindi was never more easier :)
I will keep posting on Hindi support in future, keep visiting.
I have solved the problem in Devnagari typing (Hindi/Sanskrit/Marathi) on Computer and I thought of sharing my solution with you.
There are two steps to get to pleasant typing experience:
- Bilingual Hindi keyboard purchase
- Windows setup to use Devnagari Unicode fonts and text input method
- Linux (ubuntu/fedora) setup to show Hindi interface and support Devanagari typing
Bilingual Hindi keyboard:I am currently using a TVS Gold Devnagari bilingual keyboard .
You can get it from TVS resellers [#1].
As you can see from image the keys have markings for Devnagari and English on every button.
ऊबुन्टु पर हिन्दी उपयोग के लिए For Ubuntu Linux setup for Hindi
follow Hardik's blog article (with pictures):
विंडोज पर हिन्दी के उपयोग के लिए
Windows setup to use Devnagari Unicode fonts and text input method:
There are few steps that you have to carry out before you can enjoy the Windows XP support for Hindi/Sanskrit/Marathi.
Note: These steps can be followed with normal keyboard also. You will have to memorize the key mapping though.
I am using Hindi as example for steps. You can configure Sanskrit/Marathi by following the same steps.
Step 1. To enable Hindi reading support.
Please follow these instruction to install fonts for reading Hindi.
This requires Windows XP installation CD and administrator privilege/login for PC.
Start-> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options.
Select 'Languages' tab then select 'Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages'(including Thai).
Windows will prompt for Windows XP installation/setup CD.
Insert the Windows XP setup CD and press OK
After Windows finishes installing fonts it will prompt for reboot.
Remove the CD and Press OK.
After reboot Windows is configured to display Hindi Unicode documents perfectly.
Step 2. To configure Hindi typing using normal US English keyboard. Also called QWERTY keyboard.
Step 1 must be complete for this. You don't require Windows CD or admin privilege for this step.
Start-> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options.
Select Language tab then in Text Services and input Languages press Details.
Select Add.
In next screen 'Add Input Language' select 'Input Language' as 'Hindi'.
For Hindi keyboard layout choose 'Devnagri INSCRIPT'.
Select OK.
You can add more layouts in above manner.
Select OK.
A Language Bar will appear at right bottom of your screen.
Now you are all set to read and write in Hindi.
Open notepad and then write 'Hindi' or something in English. Now click on Language Bar and select Hindi. Now hit keys u f x o r
you should see हिंदी appearing.
Before you save this file notepad will prompt you that it should be saved as Unicode text.
Select Encoding 'Unicode' instead of 'ANSI'.
Close the document and reopen, you should see Hindi in both languages.
The software setup is complete. Now you can type use Notepad, Microsoft Office 2003, OpenOffice Writer or embed text in HTML pages. With Unicode format for saving the data you can rest assured that your data is in most widely supported format and would look exactly same on all kind of computers whether Windows/Linux on all browsers. Articles in unicode have much better chances to appear in a Google or other search engines.
देवनागरी कुंजीपट्ट खरीदें
Purchasing Devanagari Hindi Bilingual Keyboard
[#1] Obtaining a Hindi keyboard is difficult so I am sharing the details of contacts which I encountered during my purchase.
TVS Champ - INSCRIPT bilingual Hindi keyboard (Rs 300/-) membrane
TVS Gold - INSCRIPT bilingual Hindi keyboard (Rs 1350/-) mechanical-keys
Site: http://www.tvs-e.com/keyboard-landing.asp#
TVS company contact :
Suraj - very helpful guy from TVS who helped me to locate local shops.
Kuldeep Bansal (9810176026)
Micro Peripherals,
301, 3rd floor, Bajaj House,
Nehru Place,
New Delhi 110019.
For online purchase you can try this website:
Writing your emails and blogs in Hindi was never more easier :)
I will keep posting on Hindi support in future, keep visiting.
There is another keyboard layout available from Intex (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devanagari#Typewriter I added the product link).
It has Hindi Typewriter layout. I saw it in market in Vashi, Navi Mumbai. You may try it.
I picked up on INSCRIPT from iLeap. It is the only layout I know. I find it logical (placement of क वर्ग etc). Now I am comfortable with it.
I think typewriter layout is good for typewriters because they are limited by visible ink and must have half-akshar keys but for computers INSCRIPT is better. I had chance to observe Hindi typewriter for a affidavit in Hindi.
Sorry for the late reply.
I found the INTEX keyboard Swadeshi before I got hold of TVS keyboard. But Intex layout is not INSCRIPT, so I sought another model. I hope Intex people are reading this and come up with Inscript layout and cheaper keyboards :)
Till then I am with TVS bilingual model.
I am afraid, this SCIM is for Unicode fonts only. Unicode is the future.
However, as a workaround you can type in unicode and then convert to your favourite fonts using translators.
See here : http://groups.google.co.in/group/technical-hindi/files
A very active group of volunteers, have written easy-to-use and free-source font converters.
Hope your problems are solved.
PS: Sorry for the delay. I enabled the moderation for comments and then forgot to check the account.
Excellent information. I am currently a student of DOEACC 'O' Level. Software development is still a new ground for me but I have a vision for making the internet accessible to the Indian masses. Thank you for sharing this information on this blog.
I also went to the project page for the Indian Linux, however, most of the links do not work there. Is it possible to get in touch with you personally to have a small discussion?
I have a facebook account at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1777237712&v=info#!/profile.php?id=1777237712.
It would be great if I could connect with you.
Thank you.
I am using Devnagiri 10 Fonts with normal English Key Bord but that is not good. After reading your blog I have gone through to TVS Champ Bilangual Key Board. The Key board is not having Half Akshar. Please inform about using Half Akshar.
R C Pandey
Half akshar is definitely available. You can use हलन्त halant (key D). I hope you are using Unicode fonts / IME setup as described above.
I have typed difficult Sanskrit words with above setup.
In case of difficulty write to me in detail.
Thanks for Reply.
I have found half Akshar by using Halant. One matra Ri which is used for writing PRIYA or KRAYA is not found. Please guide.
Yours sincerely
R C Pandey
and for KRAYA कृय k=/
अब कोई दिक्कत नही है । बरेली मे TVS Champ Bilangual Key Board ढूँढ रहा हूँ ।
आशिर्वाद ।
रमेश चन्द्र पान्डेय
अगर बरेली में यह आसानी से न मिल रहा हो तो ऊपर लिखे IndiaPlaza site पर कोशिश करें। मैंने स्वयं तो यह नहीं आजमाया लेकिन पूरी उम्मीद करता हूँ कि मिल जाएगा।
अगर यहाँ परेशानी हो तो भी बताइएगा।
मैने India Plaza पर order कर दिया है । TVS Champ 386+99=485/- मे 23 जून तक मिलने की सम्भावना है ।
आशीर्वाद ।
रमेश चन्द्र पान्डेय
I am using tvs inscript keyboard on open SUSE 10.2.
it is working fine except few keys.
when i press shift+3, shift+4 upto shift+8 it gives me same char as pressing 3 to 8. (i.e. ३,४,५,६,७,८)
however on keyboard it shows some hindi chars as ksha(7),shra(8).
do i need to do some workaround for these keys to work.
Thanks in advance,
TVS Champ Key Board India Plaza से मिल गया । अब type करने मे आनन्द आ रहा है । लेकिन एक समस्या है । E Mail से attachment पर जिन लोगों के computer में UNICODE INSCRIPT DEVNAGRI है वह ही file खोल पाते हैं ।
रमेश पान्डेय
बहुत बधाई हो। आपके अनुभव से मेरा भरोसा भी इंडिया प्लाजा पर बढ़ गया है।
मेल वाली समस्या के बारे में कहूँगा की कहीं - इमेल पढ़ने वाले आपरेटिंग सिस्टमय / साफ्टवेयर में तो दिक्कत नहीं? गूगल तक में सेटिंग बदलनी पड़ती है, औरों का क्या कहें।
यूनिकोड का प्रयोग सुनिश्चत करता है, कि लेख का देवनागरी इनस्क्रिप्ट से कोई लेना देना नहीं है। यह तो टंकण की विधिमात्र है।
समस्या के समाधान के लिए मुझे suresh kr shukla gmail पर लिखें (खाली जगह हटा के)।
Thank you for posting this information!
It's going to be a challenge to get the INSCRIPT but it seems less so than the the TVS keyboard.
All the same, thank you!!
Christel Cosper
Please tell me difference bit been inscript and typewriter layout.I have used Intex keyboard with Devanagari, I tryed to purchase new but can't find , Is TVS also making keyboard with ramington layout? kindly reply.
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